
17-Year-Old Secondary School Boy Molests 5-year Old Girl In Anambra

obejiibeabuchi | 05:00:00 | 0 comments

 It all started around 2pm, at st Charles Lwanga Catholic church, okpoko in onitsha, Anambra state when some few chaps rushed inside the church and were read more.......
crying and calling for help.
when we inquired they all begged and asked us to come and help them. Some rushed immediately, why we tried getting sticks and stones to the scene.
 However, since i was part of those picking sticks i cant confirm whether the girl was actually penetrated or not but it was visibly seen by the way the girl was walking that there was Penetration.
When we caught the boy and thoroughly dealt with him he still refused to speak up due to the embarrassment from his classmates who surrounded him and calling his name, Ukwa,Ukwa,Ukwa.
However, the girl told us that the boy who lives next door called her to buy moi moi for her, noticeably seen that she was hungry,she went for the evil moi moi when the boy pounced on her covering her mouth.


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