
Jungle Justice: Two Armed Robbers Burnt to Death by Mob in FUTO, Owerri (PHOTOS)

obejiibeabuchi | 03:30:00 | 0 comments

Two suspected miscreants have been lynched at the Federal University of Technology in read more...

Owerri, Imo State during a failed criminal operation. According to an eye witness, the event took place at Umuchima area around Laffarge in Owerri as three robbers stormed the students-populated zone to rob them of their belongings. One of the outlaws escaped while two others were nabbed by a daring mob. The robbers were beaten blue black after which their bodies were set on fire as a deterrent to other culprits patronizing the area. Many students were happy about the burning of the criminals. They said that for the past few months, robbers have been disturbing students all over Umuchima and every day they pray for this day of reckoning for the miscreants.

