
Girl battling anorexia who lived off 39 calories a day and weighed just three-and-a-half stone says love saved her life

obejiibeabuchi | 01:30:00 | 0 comments

19 year old Chiara Schober, from Liechtenstein, battled anorexia for years. She ate just a peach per day. After her grandmother died, it got worse for her as she suffered stomach cramps which left her feeling permanently full. Chiara starved herself daily, her weight dropped to just three and a half stone, and doctors feared for her life.

Despite her extremely thin appearance, Chiara met her boyfriend, Jason, 17, last year and she says he completely changed her life.

Desperate to help improve her
health, Jason began to regularly take Chiara out for meals and encouraged her to eat more. Chiara now weighs a healthy eight stone and believes if it wasn't for the love of her life Jason who helped with her dramatic transformation in the past 12 months, she might not be alive today.

Chiara, a languages student said:
"When Jason met me a year ago I was a read and see more picture...
completely different person. At one point I weighed just three-and-a-half stone - when I look back now I can't believe it, I was just skin and bone. I was eating just a peach a day, I couldn't bear the thought of eating it was like I was punishing myself. In my early teens I started suffering from bad stomach cramps and I felt permanently full. I began to feel guilty when I ate as I never actually felt hungry so I started eating less and less as I didn't want to eat for the sake of it. Then when my grandmother passed away I was heartbroken, she had helped me get a bit better but when I lost her my weight spiralled again.
"I feel so lucky that Jason has helped change all that, he's seen me at my worst so I know he loves me for me. When doctors told me my body wouldn't be able to cope much longer without food I knew it was now or never.
"That's when Jason stepped in and encouraged me to eat more, he would take me out for meals and buys snacks like popcorn for us snack on. Soon I found enjoyment in eating again, he helped me recover mentally too. I'd always dreamt of getting married someday and having a family of my own, Jason made me realise what life was really about again. 
"I used to be terrified of all foods other than fruit and veg, but now I eat ice cream, pizza, and just about anything that's put in front of me. I wanted to be healthy again for both of us, I wanted us to be able to go out and do what normal couples do and not let an eating disorder control me."

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